Tech Notes

Tech Note: 018

Configuring Automatic I/O Failover in InTouch 9.5

The InTouch 9.5 HMI provides significant enhancements that result in improvements in both operational and engineering productivity. One of these enhancements reduces engineering development times by providing a one-click option for I/O Failover, which enables you to automatically switch I/O servers when I/O communication fails. Users can configure I/O server switching via the graphical user interface (GUI) in WindowMaker. Script functions are also provided to further extend the I/O communication failover features.


Tech Note: 015

Automatic generation of batch reports at the end of the batch using InTouch

ActiveFactory 9.1 and 9.2 contains a component called WorkbookRunner which enables automatic generation of a report snapshot based on a predefined report template.

Examples of situations when this functionality may be needed are: automatic generation of batch reports and automatic generation of snapshot on-demand reports. This Tech Note details the procedure to automatically generate batch reports in Wonderware InTouch and also directly from the operating system level by using a VBScript program.


Tech Note: 014

Tech Note 14: Creating batch reports with no predetermined time span using ActiveFactory Industrial Workbook

This Tech Note describes the process of using Wonderware ActiveFactory IndustrialWorkbook tool to create batch reports against Wonderware Historian (IndustrialSQL Server) that don't have predetermined time span, but are dependent on a batch number or name as an input parameter.

The Tech Note contains visual companions for each important part.


Tech Note: 011

Determining Unknown Platform Name From Known Platform ID

When you create a platform in Application Server, a unique Platform ID is assigned to it. If you encounter issues with a particular platform during runtime, you may see references in LogViewer under the System Management Console that refer to a Platform's ID. The ID itself is not very useful in determining which platform you are having issues with. This TechNote explains two options to help you determine the Platform Name for a given Platform ID.


Tech Note: 001

How to determine versioning of AVEVA products

This document details the procedure necessary to determine the exact version of a specific Wonderware product installed on your system. It applies to all Wonderware products, versions and service packs.
