Tech Notes

Tech Note: 147

How to find the Galaxy Name using a .cab file

When creating a backup of a galaxy (.cab file), the default file name is the name of the galaxy being backed up, but the name can be modified if desired.

If you are maintaining backups of multiple galaxies with modified file names, it can become unclear which backup belongs to which galaxy.  The process below can be used to determine the name of the galaxy used to create the .cab file.


Tech Note: 145

Potential Failure in Detecting Certain Alarms

AVEVA has identified an issue with System Platform 2023 and System Platform 2023R2.

AVEVA is releasing hotfixes for each of the affected versions. Details can be found in the table below.  AVEVA strongly recommends that users install the appropriate hotfix as soon as possible.


Tech Note: 142

License Server Core Service goes into a STOPPING state and machine must be rebooted in order to recover

The AVEVA Enterprise License Server repeatedly goes into a "Stopping" state.  When this happens, a reboot is required to restore it to Running.  The following message appears in the OCMC logs:

LS Agent can't use the ServiceController API to control the LS. Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. Stack Trace: at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout) at LicServer.WindowsService.TrackSELicServer.MonitorLicServer()

This tech note will explain how to regenerate the license server trusted storage files to resolve the issue.
