Tech Notes

Tech Note: 80

How to use the $PingNode Object Template in Wonderware Application Server

This tech note describes how to use a custom $PingNode object template created for Wonderware Application Server. Object based on that template provides ping status for a given machine (node).

The $PingNode object template includes the Ping script that can be customized to provide additional features. By default the enabled object will ping the configured node every 10 seconds and report general status and reply time. It also can be configured to alarm if a ping timeout is incurred.

This type of information should be useful for monitoring system health of network hardware and other machines that are not part...

Tech Note: 076

Configuring the DDESuitelink Client Object in the ArchestrA IDE

This tech note details the procedure used to configure DDE (Data Dynamic Exchange) and Wonderware Suitelink client connections using Wonderware Application Server and the ArchestrA IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The DDESuiteLinkClient object available in Archestra IDE provides a client connection to DDE or Suitelink servers so that data can be read and written to external data sources such as a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller).

This tech note consists of three parts:

  • Part 1 - details the process of configuring and deploying a new instance of the $DDESuiteLinkClient template for communication with a data source
  • Part 2 - details testing of the...

Tech Note: 036

How to monitor Wonderware Historian performance from Wonderware Industrial Application Server

The Wonderware Historian (IndustrialSQL Server) includes two features that allow performance statistics to be collected and distributed to network clients. The System Driver module performs the task of collecting historian performance statistics and the InSQL IOServer (INSQLIOS) allows clients to connect via Suitelink to acquire real-time data. Using these two features we can acquire historian performance statistics to clients such as Wonderware Industrial Application Server for real time monitoring and alarming.


Tech Note: 011

Determining Unknown Platform Name From Known Platform ID

When you create a platform in Application Server, a unique Platform ID is assigned to it. If you encounter issues with a particular platform during runtime, you may see references in LogViewer under the System Management Console that refer to a Platform's ID. The ID itself is not very useful in determining which platform you are having issues with. This TechNote explains two options to help you determine the Platform Name for a given Platform ID.
