
January 2023 UPDATE: Microsoft DCOM Hardening Patches – What You Need to Know

AVEVA recently published an update to Tech Alert TA32813 (System Platform issues with Microsoft Update KB5004442 – DCOM Hardening). The Tech Alert identifies impacted products and known issues based on current testing results. It also provides suggested work arounds and solutions. Get more info by reading this post....

Enterprise visualization and where it fits within operations technology

By leveraging advances in communications and databases, visualization tools are powerful enough to support real-time decision-making. Enterprise visualization, specifically, blends information technology (IT) and operations technology (OT) data sources into one unified and graphically focused application. Learn more about enterprise visualization and how it can fit within your operations technology....

Digital Transformation Digest – January 2023

January's copy of the Digital Transformation Digest has hit the stands! This is our monthly newsletter detailing the latest news and events at ISS and AVEVA along with industry information pertinent to digital transformation. Hot topics this month include: Digital Twin, Data Analytics, and Decarbonization!...

Three impacts digital work can have on the transmission and distribution industry

Stricter environmental and safety mandates, growing pressure to decarbonize and transition to green energy, and a retiring workforce are just a few of the many hurdles power grid operators must clear in the coming years. The digital transformation of work will be key to solving many of these challenges. Learn more about how digital tools can help your energy operations....

Missed AVEVA World San Francisco?

At AVEVA World 2022, there were over 100 customer presentations, 60 exhibitors, and 40 hands-on learning labs. If you missed the conference, you haven’t missed the boat on the presentations. We’ve bookmarked AVEVA World highlights here. Catch up and see what you missed!...