License Server Core Service goes into a STOPPING state and machine must be rebooted in order to recover

Tech Note: ISS-TN142
Published Date: June 14, 2024
Primary Product: Licensing
Revision Date:


The AVEVA Enterprise License Server repeatedly goes into a “Stopping” state.  When this happens, a reboot is required to restore it to Running.  The following message appears in the OCMC logs:

LS Agent can't use the ServiceController API to control the LS. Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed. Stack Trace:
at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout)
at LicServer.WindowsService.TrackSELicServer.MonitorLicServer()

This can be caused by “overloading” the license server, even when a small number of licenses are currently activated.  This tech note will explain how to regenerate the license server trusted storage files to resolve the issue.


  • AVEVA Enterprise License Server


Delete trusted storage and regenerate the files. Complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the License Server Core Service.
  2. In File Explorer go to the folder C:\ProgramData\FNEServer.Delete the 3 files in that folder.
  3. Start the License Server Core Service, which will create 3 new files in the FNEServer folder.
  4. In the License Manager press Sync so that it is synched with FNO.

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