InTouch Web Client: HTTP Error 503 – The Service is Unavailable
Tech Note: ISS-TN138
Published Date: March 18, 2024
Primary Product: InTouch HMI
Revision Date:
When launching the InTouch Web Client, it is possible to encounter the following error in your default web browser:
HTTP Error 503: The service is unavailable

This tech note provides the steps to resolve this error.
- InTouch Web Client
- This error can be caused by enabling the Web Server while WindowMaker and/or WindowViewer are still open.
- This will usually occur if the Web Server is enabled by using the Web Client fast switch button from WindowMaker while the Web Server is disabled.
- When this happens, a popup message will ask if you want to enable the web server. Clicking “Yes” will enable the server and switch to your computer’s default browser, but will result in the error message above.
- To resolve the issue, completely close down WindowMaker and WindowViewer. Re-launch WindowViewer and try to connect to the Web Client again.
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