What’s new in AVEVA™ Integration Studio
AVEVA™ Development Studio also includes access to AVEVA Integration Studio, an infrastructure-as-a-service development environment that facilitates greater collaboration, rapid project creation, project archiving, on-demand scalability. AVEVA Integration Studio also gives users the ability to manage multiple development projects simultaneously.

Node security updates
All nodes within AVEVA Integration Studio include all current OS security updates.
Multi-instance support
You can now use AVEVA Integration Studio within AVEVA™ Connect folders. Each instance is independent of one another.
Named user model
Users that are assigned to AVEVA Integration Studio can now access the system without having a seat assigned to them.
System suite enhancement: patch support
You can now modify system suites to include things such as patches, without having to create new versions. Existing instances of these system suites will not be affected. New ones will include the updates.
Custom system suite management
Administrators in accounts now have the ability to remove unused custom system suites.