AVEVA InTouch HMI Training
Event Details
Date: March 5, 2024 - March 8, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Pacific [Add to your Calendar]
Location: Online Event
Course Information
4 Day Course
Registration Fees Apply
The InTouch training course is a 4-day, instructor-led class that explains how to create and configure a Modern InTouch application. The course provides a fundamental understanding of the Wonderware visualization module and explains how to develop a Human Machine Interface (HMI) system for your specific plant floor. You are guided through setup, layout, best practice concepts, features, and functions of the InTouch software platform. Hands-on labs reinforce concepts and features.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Create a Modern InTouch Application
- Build an HMI with Situational Awareness symbols
- Construct a Key Performance Indicator display
- Configure an OI Server
- Establish communications with I/O-aware programs
- Create, export, and import tags
- Test and monitor tags
- Build a custom symbol
- Visualize and interact with data
- Configure InTouch alarms
- Present and manage live and historical alarms
- Configure security
- Historize and trend data
- Display real-time data
- Back up and restore an InTouch application
- Distribute an application to the production environment
- View ArchestrA graphics in a browser using Web Client
Knowledge of the following tools, features, and technologies is required:
- Industrial automation software concepts for InTouch HMI
- Microsoft Excel for exporting, modifying, and importing tags with a .csv file
Remaining Seats: 1
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