AVEVA Historian Server Training
Event Details
Date: January 23, 2024 - January 24, 2024
Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Pacific [Add to your Calendar]
Location: Online Event
Course Information
2 Day Course
Registration Fees Apply
The AVEVA™ Historian Server 2020 course is a 2-day, instructor-led class designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the features and functionality of AVEVA Historian for both AVEVA Application Server and AVEVA InTouch HMI applications. This course provides lectures and hands-on labs to present and reinforce the knowledge necessary to use Historian for SCADA and factory data. This information includes how to configure, historize, and retrieve historical data; retrieve auto-summary data; implement data replication to a remote historian; and insert, update, and import historical data.
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Start and configure Historian Server
- Configure and historize Application Server and InTouch data
- Distinguish between retrieval modes
- Retrieve data with SQL queries
- Use time domain extensions in SQL queries
- Update and insert history data
- Create and configure events and retrieve event data
- Configure Historian tags for local summarization
- Use a Tier-2 Historian for replication and summarization
- Back up and restore Historian data
- Experience in manufacturing industry
- Knowledge of databases and SQL language
- Knowledge of AVEVA Application Server or AVEVA InTouch
Remaining Seats: 12
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